Real Name: John
Location: Orange, NSW, Australia
Member Since: June 2005

I am retired and during June 2007 moved to Orange NSW. I previously had a small farm running Angus cattle near Lyndhurst NSW. I am married and have three married children and five grand-daughters and one grand-son. During an earlier “life” I spent 20 years working as Bursar of a large Sydney boy’s college and before was in a bank.
I have mostly been a "Holden" person for the last 25 years or so but have owned many cars in the past including:

* Vanguard Ute
* Wolseley 1500
* Morris Major Elite
* Morris 1100
* Austin 1800
* Ford Falcon
* Ford Fairmont
* Chrysler
* Renault 1600 TS
* Holden Astra
* Mazda “bubble”
* About ten different Holden Commodores including one Ute
* 1985 Suzuki Sierra Ute paddock-basher

(This list is roughly in the correct order). All were purchased new except for the Vanguard & Suzuki Ute’s, Holden Astra and the Fairmont.

My present vehicles are a X-trail 2002 Ti Auto, and a new 2007 Nissan Maxima that replaced the Holden Ute.

Both my wife and I have enjoyed the X-trail although we really have not gone bush in it, except to take it to Kangaroo Island in 2002. The X-trail has been the most trouble free of any vehicle ever owned. The X-trail has now become our second vehicle with the Maxima offering greater luxury, comfort and power for touring. My wife finds the X-trail great for shopping and comfort. I find it somewhat noisy.

I was always accused of being car-mad when I was younger and am a self taught mechanic. In the distant past I successfully carried out a major engine overhaul on a six cylinder Morris Isis (owned by my father) in the days when rings and bearings had to be regularly replaced and valves reground every 25,000 miles. I will have a go at most things but am less keen on fiddling and getting greasy these days as I once was when younger. Modern electronics now give me the perfect excuse to leave everything to the dealer.

I appreciate and enjoy the X-trail forum and have found it very helpful and interesting. "Full marks" to those who run it and also for the contributors.